

Active substance: Rosuvastatin

Posology: 10 mg, 5 mg

Price: €54.59 – €324.28

Sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, lack of sufficient exercise, overweight and obesity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, heredity, endocrine disorders, liver disease… These are just some of the reasons that can lead to elevated blood cholesterol levels and, therefore, all the problems that result from it: the development of cardiovascular diseases, up to angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and stroke. Atherosclerosis or congestion of blood vessels, in fact, is the disease that can await you in the absence of timely treatment and lead to the consequences mentioned above. What to do if you have high cholesterol? Listen to your doctor, follow a special diet, exercise and, if necessary, resort to medication as a complement.

Today we are going to tell you about Rosuvastatin, an incredibly popular drug in Germany and all over the world, which is able to lower the level of bad cholesterol and vice versa to raise the level of good cholesterol. In this article we will answer in detail the most pressing questions about its use, and you will also find out where to buy this drug at the best possible price and without a prescription.

Generic Vitorin is effective in lowering „bad“ cholesterol.

Where to buy Rosuvastatin in Germany

Rosuvastatin is easy to buy in Germany and is sold in pharmacies with a prescription. If you want to fit in with street pharmacy hours, stand in line and find that the drug is out of stock, that’s your right. But we are ready to make your life more comfortable and save you time and money, which you will gladly spend on yourself. To order a drug on our site, just fill out an online form and in a short time our competent managers will contact you to clarify all the details of your order and send it to the recipient immediately.

Can I buy Rosuvastatin without prescription?

You can buy Rosuvastatin at our pharmacy. We allow you to buy the drug without a prescription, because we believe that strong and lasting relationships are based on trust. Order the drug with just two clicks and you will receive it in the shortest possible time at the address you provide.

Affordable price of the product

Everyone likes to get a bargain, whether it’s to buy a new TV or a drug. At our online pharmacy there are no surcharges on the cost, something that regular pharmacies can’t avoid, so you can buy official medicines directly from the manufacturers at very low prices compared to high street pharmacies. The advantage is obvious.


Most of our customers are concerned about the anonymity and privacy of their purchases. We always take care of you and your peace of mind. On the order form you can specify cash on delivery. It is safe, fast and anonymous. You will also be satisfied with the speed of delivery, even in the most remote corners of our country.

Zetia medication is part of a complete treatment program that includes diet, exercise and weight control.

What is Rosuvastatin

Rosuvastatin is a fourth-generation lipid-lowering drug belonging to the statin group. It reduces the increase in the concentrations of low and very low density cholesterol, total cholesterol, triglycerides, increases the concentrations of high density lipoprotein cholesterol.


The drug is used as adjuvant therapy to non-pharmacological treatment of hypercholesterolemia (primary, including heterozygous, homozygous or mixed familial hypercholesterolemia). The drug is also administered as prophylaxis of cardiovascular disorders in patients estimated to be at high risk for a first cardiovascular event, as an adjunct to correction of other risk factors.

Contraindications for use

Rosuvastatin is contraindicated in individuals with hypersensitivity to Rosuvastatin or to any of the excipients of the drug. In addition, it should not be taken in patients with active liver disease, including persistent elevations of serum transaminases of unknown etiology and any elevation of serum transaminases three times the upper limit of normal; patients with severe renal dysfunction, myopathy, pregnancy or lactation and children under 10 years of age.

Do not use the drug concomitantly with cyclosporine.

The 40 mg dose is contraindicated in patients with myopathy/rhabdomyolysis.

Before starting treatment, talk to your doctor and inform him/her of all your diseases and allergies, as well as the medicines you are taking. This will prevent you from taking incompatible medications at the same time, which could be dangerous for your health.

Side effects

Side effects have included skin itching, rash, hives, asthenic syndrome, cough, dyspnea, constipation, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, jaundice, hepatitis, pancreatitis. Stevens-Johnson syndrome, proteinuria, polyneuropathy, memory loss, asthenia have also been occasionally reported.

Myalgia, myopathy, myositis, in rare cases rhabdomyolysis (occurring in less than 4% of all people taking Rosuvastatin).
In case of side effects, go to the emergency room or contact your doctor.

Mode of administration and posology

The tablets should be taken whole with water at any time, regardless of meals.

Always consult your doctor before using the product. Your doctor will prescribe an individual treatment regimen and daily dosage depending on your diagnosis, as you may require different doses than those recommended below.

The recommended starting dose is 5 or 10 mg once daily.
If necessary, the dose can be increased sequentially at 4 weeks at the earliest. Due to the increased risk of side effects when taking 40 mg of Rosuvastatin, increasing the dose to 40 mg after 4 weeks of treatment is only allowed in patients with severe hypercholesterolemia and high risk of cardiovascular complications.

Frequently Asked Questions about taking Rosuvastatin

The following are the questions most frequently asked by patients before taking Rosuvastatin.

How many times a day should it be taken?

The drug is usually taken once a day. Statins are usually prescribed in the evening, as cholesterol biosynthesis peaks at night and most statins have a short half-life.

When the drug takes effect

The therapeutic effect is reached within a week of starting the drug, and 90% of the maximum effect is reached within 2 weeks. Peak effect is usually reached at 4 weeks and is maintained thereafter.

How many days to take

The drug should be taken over a long period of time, strictly following your doctor’s instructions.

What not to eat while taking Rosuvastatin

Grapefruit juice should not be drunk: it retains the drug in the body, increases the statin content in the blood and increases the risk of side effects. Avoid grapefruit and various citrus hybrids. Also follow the diet prescribed by your doctor and limit alcohol consumption.

The correct way to take the medication: before or after meals.

The tablets should be taken independently of meals.